The Driveway Begins

Well its time to put the driveway in. I met with Tim, Keith, and the person that we thought was going to clear the property and build the driveway back in March. Well, when we received the bid lets say we were all in shock. So Tim started looking for alternatives. And he was successful! He found this company that could just mulch every tree and bush on the property and do it quickly. We thought we were set. Then no contact, nothing. Now we couldn't delay because we had already placed the order for the floor joists. We placed them in advance because of the required lead time. There's a building boom in Florida such that the east coast suppliers are doing jobs for the west coat builders because the west coast suppliers can't meet the demand! Which means my little job doesn't mean a lot to them. So we are trying to get things going the best we can. So Tim found another company to root rake (remove any plant/tree parts from the driveway) the driveway and to pull up the tree...